Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Life with a Vengeance...(extended edition)

Its been a week since i left my friend in Shah Alam... My new life isn't started just yet, because of a few incident which occurred this week involving my family members....
However, This Monday, I will take the opportunity given by Allah S.w.t to start a new life, working at TESCO Shah Alam..

I once asked myself, "Why is it always vengeance that I am eager to seek?"
For it is just a worthless thing to seek such thing...

But then, today I realized the answer for this question is
"If vengeance can make you see the reality which often comes in mist of shadow, then why not you seek your vengeance as long as it goes to a good end (often not!)..."
My vengeance is like an objectives to begin my new life...(Difficult ot understand? me too!)
See, its like when you point an arrow..When there is no target, then you just shooting shadow...

Life is short guys! make sure you plan your goal, or else you be like one of those on the street begging for life...


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