Friday, December 25, 2009

Shahrul Azli's Commentaries of the Phase V3 : Never get use to it..


Here I go again...The next chapter of commentaries about another phase of my life.. This past week had been the worst week of my life EVER... To begin, let me just say that, to be heartbroken is excruciatingly painful. It seems like all hope is lost. Maybe you can feel that I'm in terrifying depression phase right now, and you are right.
You see, I never fall into someone so often, most of the time I was playing all around because of the pain I suffered makes me feel that I'm not suitable for that kind of emotional feeling. However, fate always twisted us in a way only God knows, and I got trap in some emotion dilemma. Yes indeed, its all about girl. That's normal people! I'm a human being, and common logic says men need women. Well, whatever.

Back to my story, I met this lovely girl, whom I fall in love for the reason unknown to me. Maybe because of the similarities or "what they call it? aha.." Chemistry.. I never met someone so similar to me, from the way she live his life, her problem with herself, favorite song, and many other things I rather not write here. If you say, "what the hell, you will find another one like her!" Well, suck it! I'm all out dude. I repeat again, I rarely give a shit about girl, but now I give a full attention on this chicks! Its like a rhetorical love. She treat me so nicely that I can spend my whole life just staring at her.

Well, the worst part of this story, well, she know that I like her, or should I say, really2 like her! and she says she like me too, and started to give me hope BUT that's where the weather change! I came to realize that she was just trying to make me happy, by lying to me. I stopped seeing her, I did, but she keeps on coming and coming that I couldn't stop my self from being hurt.
What I mean by being hurt is that she will hang out with me and my friends but she will bring her own male friend and start flirting with each other (like putting his hands around her shoulder, holding hands, whispering and whatever shit). I usually dont give a shit about all this but the fact that she know I care bout makes me feel sick in my stomach. She keeps on hurting me over and over again ever since she know i like her. What kind of pathetic behaviour is that??

Well, enough of this, I will be better somehow. Just that now I always got into bitter place in the broken dream. Maybe this is a test for me from The Ruler of All.. to see if I'm strong enough to handle my emotion. Well, I pray that I can survive this. Amin.

Phrases of the week: "If you give a light to someone, make sure you keep the light steady, because if its too low, the light will go off, and if too strong, the light will burn him."

I use light to describe hope.. as the matter of hope, too many hope unrealized will destroy us. I will say this once, never takes love as a small matter, because one day you will know how painful it is to be heartbroken. If you already feel it, then you will understand. If you never feel it, try not to condemn someone who is.

Well, I don't have enough mood today to write more..see you on the next chapter.

"Khilaf - Apit"
"Sayang - Menara"
"Tunjukkan aku - Boneca"
"Kurelakan dikau pergi - Okay"


huuu said...

i can feel it...
we're in the same boat..

Sharxaero said...

Good to know.. I guess this world can never stop hurting us.. so we adapt to it..! do your best!