Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown


Well, now everything is nearly clear in my mind, I would like to start this blog with a few word I've made this few day, "You maybe will forget what you've decided, but dont expect others to do the same".. Last few days, I went home, to my glorious home sweet home, Butterworth, at last. I can't really catch up with what had happen between my friend there. There seems to be some trouble, and my brothers beginning to separate themself from each others. I usually cared about them, but I dont know, this seems to be continuosly making me feel uneasy so I made up my mind to let them settle for themselves. Its hard to change everyone mind, even if our nowwhy2 is pure.

Anyway, I crossed a few of my friend's here, which I didnt know or dont care to know, but recently, after scheming their blog, and start talking to them, I've notice they are quite awesome! Im one tough S.O.B to satisfy but suprisingly, I really respect two of my friend, even if I never really hang out with them at all, but from what i've see and learn, I know this 1 guy and 1 girl, they really had a really interesting way of thinking. I dont know, you see, they really matured in way of thinking and the way they read people even from the outside, they look perfectly normal. So now they are in my 10 list of people i've respected so far. Haha... I hope I can meet them because I dont really see them alot nowadays.

And now so you know, I hope you guys can find someone to respect and follow their way of thinking...

Well then, Cherriooo!!

P/s: Operasi Kilang Paku : Nail Factory Operation (my new punk band name) :-)

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